Bere mole ko jo [Translation: Bend down and dance]
Bere mole ko judi benbenbele [ Translation: Bend down and dance, shaking your behind little by little]

Bere mole ko yahoozee [Translation: Bend down and dance yahoozee]

1,2, 3,4 Alayo mi ni [ Translation: 1,2,3,4 ...this is my beloved]

Ye Ye Ye egbami.. won ti gbe femi salo ..[Translation: Help help , they are taking femi away]


Those were the song lyrics i heard all weekend. My home boy (Femi) was having his birthday coupled with the festivities of the nigerian entertainment awards, so we all decided to party the weekend. Femi seems to be a common name, on my phone list alone there are at least 8 femi's ; i just dont get why our parents are attracted to this name , but i guess that is an argument for another day.

As Femi was rababaing(dancing all the way to the ground) in front of the musician , i was imagining where in the world i met this clown.

Femi Coach , like i call him is just a unique individual.
Femi is the coach of the female JHDC football team. I came across him several years ago.
I usually sneaked into their soccer games every sunday evening. Of course , i had my own hidden agenda... there was a magnetic electric charge that attracted me to those games. I wont explain further.

All the boys would stay on the sidelines with all of us having our own hidden agenda but we all admired femi's job. It is really a job made in heaven.

Mathematics has always being one of my strongest subjects.
One plus one remains two. You take it to China , Nigeria , Cameroon , India and bring it back to the USA, it still remains two.
So it really baffles me when things defy the laws of mathematics.

It baffles me when a man coaches 22 females .
THat is 22 different phone numbers.
That is 22 different last names(surnames).
That is 22 different options.
That is about 10-15 countries.
That is delicacy unlimited.

Why is he still single ? A question i ask myself.
it just baffles me. If calculus was alive, he himself would be surprised.

I guess this shows algebra only works on paper but when it comes to real life there are undetermined variables which are not the X's or Y's we are accustomed to.

Well on behalf of the FINE BOY, NO MARRY organization . We would like to wish our secretary general(Femi Oladosu- Erin More), HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


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